Humanities / Social Sciences Division

Humanities / Social Sciences Division
Mission Statement

The division’s mission is to provide a critical understanding of political, cultural, and societal knowledge via transfer and general education courses.

About the Humanities/Social Sciences Division

The Humanities/Social Sciences Division offers courses in anthropology, art, college skills, communications, criminal justice, dance, English composition, gender and women’s studies, humanities, history, journalism, literature, music, philosophy, political science, reading, sociology, speech, theater, and various foreign languages. 该系也是刑事司法、教育和美术研究项目的所在地.

Other Areas

庞大的MCCC艺术收藏主要是通过我们来访艺术家的捐赠而增长的,并成为“密歇根州除大学外拥有博物馆的所有学院中最大的收藏”,” according to state auditors who visited back in the early 2000s. MCCC文化丰富性基金会资助了对这些藏品编目的出版工作. 

The publication designed by Doug Richter, MCCC’s graphic designer, and written and edited by Paul Hedeen, retired dean of the Humanities/Social Sciences Division. It was made possible with the help of the contributing artists; Gary Wilson, associate professor of art emeritus and co-curator; Ted Vassar, assistant professor of art emeritus and co-curator; Richter; Hedeen; Mark Spenoso, photographer; the Office of Marketing and Communications (project management); Josh Myers, executive director of The Foundation at MCCC (project management); Therese O’Halloran, assistant professor of art and consultant, and our donors.

The MCCC Art Collection Book PDF

MCCC Art Collection Book - ISSUU Link

The College/Community Symphony Band is a very popular performance-based group. It is open to students, 双录取高中学生和有器乐经验的社区公民. The band plays at least four concerts a year as well as at the MCCC commencement. Each year, several band scholarships are awarded to area high school students. Membership is by audition. Each year, the college awards 10 performing music scholarships.

The College/Community Agora Chorale is another performance-based group. 像交响乐团一样,Agora合唱团也使用来自社区的学生和市民. It performs at least four concerts a year as well as at commencement. Each year, the college awards 10 performing music scholarships.

Performing Music Scholarship

MCCC provides students with a number of theatre experiences. A general introduction to theatre history, an introduction to acting and directing, and opportunities for student productions are routinely offered. 在冬季学期,要么是实验室表演,要么是主要作品. 演员阵容中包含学生、社区成员和/或大学工作人员并不罕见.

Images 38 cover Images is an annual publication of poetry, prose, and art. Faculty members of the Humanities/Social Sciences Division edit the magazine. 虽然大多数选择出版的作品来自艺术课和我们的创意写作课程, this magazine welcomes submissions from all students. The deadline for submissions to Images is usually in early February. 在提交截止日期之前,宣布艺术和写作类别以及其他信息的海报在校园周围显着展示.

Images 38 PDF




One of the transfer program areas at MCCC leads to a degree in education. 对基础教育感兴趣的学生可以转学大量的介绍性课程,如英语作文, history, mathematics, political science, science and speech. This program also contains art, literature, mathematics and music courses, 哪些课程是专门针对计划在四年制大学获得基础教育学位的学生的.

那些对中学教学感兴趣的人也有很多可以转学的课程. Classes in art, English composition, dramatic arts, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, psychology, science, sociology and speech are frequently taken for transfer credit.


MCCC also offers a class (EDUC 151, 探索性教学),满足许多四年制大学的教学前要求.

The Agora is published approximately 6 times during the fall and winter terms. 这份报纸是由MCCC新闻专业的学生在指导老师和学生编辑的指导下制作的. Often the recipient of state and national awards, Agora报道学校活动和大学社区感兴趣的其他问题. 有兴趣参与Agora的学生应联系顾问, Matthew Bird-Meyer, at or by calling 734-384-4288.

Visit The Agora website:


“跨课程写作”计划旨在鼓励教师将写作作为一种学习工具. MCCC的WAC项目将学习视为一个过程,而写作是这个过程中独特而重要的一部分. The WAC program is committed to the idea that all students, regardless of the academic discipline they are pursuing, can benefit from writing.

Each year, 教师根据学生的写作能力和与人合作的意愿来提名学生. 被提名者在成为写作研究员之前要经过广泛的筛选和面试. Writing fellows are then assigned to individual courses. 他们通过阅读写作作业的初稿和与学生讨论改进方法来帮助学生.

Because writing fellows are trained to work with a variety of abilities, the WAC program is available to all students regardless of their writing ability. 向写作中心寻求帮助的学生既有处境困难的学生,也有MCCC最优秀的作家. Visit their Web site.

Learn more about the Writing Fellows program


B.A., University of Alabama at Birmingham
M.F.A., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale

Contact Information

(734) 384-4295,, C-233

B.A., Wayne State University
M.A., Wayne State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4281,, C-236

B.A., M.A., University of Central Missouri

Ph.D., University of Missouri

Contact Information

(734) 384-4288,,C-242


A.S., Monroe County Community College
B.S., Troy State University
M.A., Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384- 4285,, C-238

B.S., Central Michigan University
M.A.., Central Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4238,, C-241

B.S., University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh

Contact Information

(734) 384-4232,, C-237

A.A., Monroe County Community College
B.A., University of Toledo
M.A., University of Toledo
Ph.D., Wayne State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4154,,  C-247

B.F.A., Limerick College of Art and Design
M.F.A., Illinois State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4158,,  F-131

B.A., Arkansas Tech University
M.A., Michigan State University
Ph.D., Michigan State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4156,, C-234

B.A., Bradley University
M.A., University of Illinois at Springfield
Ph.D., Queens University Belfast

Contact Information

(734) 384-4157,, C-232

B.A., University of Michigan
M.A., University of North Carolina-Charlotte

Contact Information

(734) 384-4336,, C-240

B.A., M.A., Eastern Michigan University
J.D., Thomas Cooley Law School

Contact Information

(734) 384-4297,, C-244



What is Accelerated Learning Program?alp flyer cover

加速学习计划(ALP)允许没有在MCCC Accuplacer测试中获得合格分数的学生在同一学期完成ENGL 151和ENGL 090, not separately over two semesters. ENGL 090 is a supplemental course to support the work in ENGL 151. It is an opportunity for students to focus on reading, writing, and critical thinking in a discussion-based classroom environment.

Students will have one English instructor for both classes. Students will have several assignments to complete for both classes; the assignments in ENGL 090 are related to, and expand upon, content and skills from ENGL 151. In addition to reviewing material from ENGL 151, engl090课程将为顺利完成engl151作业预览材料和建立背景知识. 这种额外的帮助支持学生的信心,并提高他们成功完成engl151的能力.

What are the benefits of taking Accelerated Learning Program (ALP)?

  • ENGL 090 curriculum helps students succeed in ENGL 151. 能够在engl090课堂上讨论和回答关于engl151的问题将有助于巩固engl151的内容.
  • Cohort model. 学生可以更好地了解同学和他们的老师,因为他们有两个班在一起. The ENGL 090 class has a maximum of 10 students, so students will receive more individualized attention from their instructor.
  • 学生可以更快地毕业或完成MTA的要求,因为他们将在一个学期内完成ENGL 151,而不是在两个学期内完成ENGL 090和ENGL 151.

Students pay for five credits for the two courses. ENGL 151 counts as a three-credit course, but students do not receive credit towards graduation for the ENGL 090. 在密歇根州,发展性课程不能获得大学学分.


这个应用科学副学士课程为学生在刑事司法方面的工作做好准备,这些工作需要副学士学位或转到刑事司法学士学位课程. 执法应用科学副学士课程为学生在需要副学士学位和密歇根执法标准委员会(MCOLES)认证的职位上就业做好准备.

Learn More about Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement


Check Out MCCC’s Fine Arts Program

Division Spotlight: The MCCC Art Collection

The MCCC Art Collection 庞大的MCCC艺术收藏主要是通过我们来访艺术家的捐赠而增长的,并成为“密歇根州除大学外拥有博物馆的所有学院中最大的收藏”,” according to state auditors who visited back in the early 2000s.  MCCC文化丰富性基金会资助了对这些藏品编目的出版工作. 

Check out the MCCC Art Collection

Division Contact Information

Beverly Tomek

Dean of Humanities/Social Sciences Division
Phone Icon 734.384.4152
Building / Office IconC-246

Alia Pilcher

Division Coordinator - Humanities/Social Sciences
Phone Icon 734.384.4153
Building / Office IconC-243


Summer Hours (May 6 – Aug. 9)
Mon - Thur: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.